Now that the revision of level 2 of CSS is almost done and the major browsers all support that level quite well, W3C is concentrating more and more on CSS level 3. There will be many new features in CSS3, such as vertical text, rotation, columns, support for more non-European languages, etc. But a particularly interesting feature is a way of positioning content based on layout grids, called Advanced Layout. This talk is about the new features in CSS3 for laying out pages, concentrating on Advanced Layout, but also showing how other new modules contribute to that.
W3C, CSS, CSS3, layout, grid layout, advanced layout
Dr. Bert Bos holds a degree in Mathematics (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) and a PhD on Graphic User Interfaces (ditto). He is the co-inventor of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and has been a member of several working groups for standardization of Web technologies, including HTML and XML. Currently, he is the chairman of the W3C working group on CSS and W3C Activity Lead for W3C's MathML working group. He is editor of several (draft) standards related to CSS and MathML.
Az alábbiakban a konferencia tematikus, ezen belül alfabetikus rendbe szedett programja olvasható. Két (külön jelölt) előadás kivételével minden előadásunk magyar nyelvű. Az előadások négy párhuzamosan futó sávban kerülnek bemutatásra.