Who has never juggled with "Business (guys') change requests" and faced the rigidity of compiled languages? Ride Rhino with Java and increase your reactivity by turning your application into a highly flexible one.
Az előadás fóliái online megtekinthetőek.
Xavier Casellato has joined Liligo (www.liligo.fr) in 2006 as VP of Engineering. Prior to this he worked for Cap Gemini and SAP France on information system architectures. He is working on Java related projects for 10 years. He holds a Software Engineer's Degree from EPUM in Marseille, France.
Az alábbiakban a konferencia időrendi programja olvasható. A "From level 2 to level 3: advanced layout in CSS" és a "How Java becomes agile riding Rhino" című előadások kivételével minden előadásunk magyar nyelvű.