The talk will explore the interaction of security and usability on the Web, and introduce both current W3C work in the area and upcoming research challenges.
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Security, XML, Signature, Encryption, Key Management
Thomas Roessler joined the W3C Team in November 2004 to work on
security, privacy, and European policy issues. He currently serves
as Security Activity Lead,
Team Contact of the Web Security
Context Working Group, and also spends time on the
PRIME project.
Prior to joining W3C, Thomas worked at the University of Bonn on numerics of partial differential equations, and collected programming, systems administration and computer forensics experience. He is the lead maintainer of the free software mail user agent mutt, and was involved with ICANN for several years. Thomas has published and given talks on topics including anonymization services, legal questions of digital signatures, and online privacy. He holds a degree in mathematics.
Az alábbiakban a konferencia időrendi programja olvasható. A "Creating a Cinematic User Experience™ with OpenLaszlo" és a "What do they think they are doing? When Usability and Security meet on the Web" című előadások kivételével minden előadásunk magyar nyelvű volt. A különböző háttérszínek a tematikus program szerinti témaköröket jelölik. Csillag jelöli azokat az előadásokat, melyek fóliái elérhetőek.